Ventilation in the Bathroom and Toilet


Each of us wondered how to improve the ventilation of the bathroom and toilet. Indeed, in these rooms, the greatest amount of moisture accumulates, which contributes to the formation of condensation, up to the appearance of mold. This moisture must be removed through ventilation shafts, the beginning of which is located precisely in the bathroom and toilet. But unfortunately, this does not always happen. Let’s look at common causes of air exchange disturbances and how to deal with them.

The reasons for the violation of air exchange in the bathroom and toilet

The reason may be the resulting blockage in the common house mine or violations in its structure, most often caused by neighbors from above. In this case, there will be no draft in the ventilation duct at all, and installing exhaust fans will not help. What to do in such a situation? Read the article on cleaning the ventilation.

Not infrequently, improper installation of the door to the bathroom and toilet leads to a violation of air exchange. When installing a door, many builders do not leave a gap of 1-2 cm from the floor, which is necessary for regular air exchange with closed doors. Perhaps for aesthetic reasons or given installing a threshold that prevents water spread through the apartment (in case of flooding). Thus, air cannot enter the room for further exit through the shaft when the door is closed.

Lack of supply air to the apartment as a whole may also be a violation. In this case, the operation of the exhaust ventilation is not possible. And most likely, there will be a backdraft, and smells from the apartments located below will begin to flow through the ventilation shaft.

How to make ventilation in a bathroom and toilet.

To improve air exchange in these rooms, it is necessary to carry out the following actions.

First of all, it is important to organize a constant flow of air into the apartment. To do this, you need to keep the windows constantly ajar or install special devices for supplying air with the windows closed, such as supply valves or ventilators.

It is also necessary to install the DVERVENT valves on the doors in the bathroom and toilet. Thanks to this, air exchange will take place even if you keep the doors closed.

If the draft in the ventilation duct is not sufficient or not regular, then it is necessary to install forced ventilation, namely an exhaust fan, which will help to improve air exchange. There is one important point to consider when installing. Do not completely block the air duct with a fan! Let’s figure out how to do it correctly.

How to Install an Exhaust Fan Correctly

If the size of the hole in the wall allows it, it is recommended to install a double grille. It is divided into two parts: one with a hole for installing a fan and a regular grill. Thanks to this design, air will go into the ventilation duct around the clock through the grill, and when the fan turns on, the supplemental draft will be created. This will quickly get rid of moisture when, for example, you take a shower.

It often happens that the diameter of the ventilation duct is not sufficient to install a double grille. In this case, it is necessary to install the fan not close to the wall. Simply by lifting the body on small supports. This will allow air to pass into the ventilation shaft bypassing the fan blades when it is off.