What US Apostille Is Required To Apply For Dual Citizenship In Mexico?

If your children were born in the United States and you wish to process dual nationality in Mexico, it is important that your American act be apostilled. The United States Apostille is done there directly, the embassies or consulates do not apostille documents, each state issues its own apostille, that is, if your child was born in Los Angeles the apostille is from the state of California, if he was born in Dallas the apostille comes from Texas.

To carry out dual citizenship in Mexico, along with US law, you must apostille the certified translation by an expert of the law and apostille, without this certified translation, they cannot process dual citizenship. The translation must be done by an expert recognized by the Supreme Court.

With us you can complete packages for dual citizenship in Mexico, including American law apostilled and translated by an expert, the whole package. For a quote or for more information, fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Do I have to live in the US to apostille a document?

 How can I apostille a US document from Mexico? Where do I apostille an American birth certificate in Mexico? Online apostille?

If your children were born in the United States, if you were married in the US, if you studied in the US and currently live in another country and need to apostille your documents with us you can do it, it is not necessary that You live in the United States to do it, you just need to send your original documents to our offices in the United States to do it. You can also send them to our offices in Mexico and we will take care of shipping to the US. It is important to know that embassies or consulates do not apostille documents, this must be done directly in the United States.

What is the Hague Apostille? What is apostille? What is the apostille?

In a simple way we can define that the apostille consists of a certificate that the signature and seal used in a public document were affixed by an authorized official. This means that through this process a public document issued in one country can be accepted in another country, for example an apostilled document in Mexico can be accepted in the United States and vice versa.

Where does the apostille come from? Where does the Hague Apostille come from?

This certification is the result of the countries that signed the Hague Convention, This convention was used to eliminate the requirement of Legalizacion of documents Public, Foreign, it was a long process of certification chain up to then, in which I go to four different authorities had to certify a document with the seal of the embassy of the country where you spend the documents that were to legalize, This convention was to simplify this process to now only one legalizacion only with only the apostille.

Can Documents Be Apostilled In Embassies Or Consulates?

No, the apostille is only issued directly in the country where the documents were issued. Consulates or embassies are not authorized to apostille. You also cannot apostille documents originating from one country in another country, for example, A birth certificate from the state of California in the US cannot be apostilled in Mexico, this California law can only be apostilled in the state of California in the US. It is the same case for a birth certificate from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. This certificate cannot be apostilled in the United States or at a Mexican embassy in the United States; it can only be apostilled directly in the state of Chihuahua.

Does the apostille have an expiry date? What is the validity of the Hague Apostille?

The apostille is presented with a date but it has no expiry date, this marks the country where you will submit the document, in some cases it may be valid for a year but in others it is longer, it must be in the country be consulted where you will submit the apostille to confirm if the date of the apostille is restricted.

What is the Hague Apostille?

The Hague Apostille is a simplified method of legalizing documents to verify and confirm their authenticity so that they can be accepted in a country other than the place where the document was issued.

Physically, it consists of a sheet attached to the back or an additional page to the public documents.