Plan a volleyball tournament

To organize a tournament there are two absolutely essential requirements; the effort and desire. Organizing a volleyball tournament, like any other 해외축구 중계사이트, takes time and effort. That’s why if you don’t feel like it, better not even try. Calculate the budget to organize a volleyball tournament

First of all, it is important to establish a concrete budget and a goal. You must calculate how much you are willing to spend in order to have an idea of ​​the costs of renting the field, buying trophies, balls, etc.

But we all know that the less you spend, the greater the benefits. Therefore, to organize a volleyball tournament, we must find a way to save as much as possible. After years of experience, at Competes’ we have discovered the tricks to save money organizing your tournament.

Tips for organizing a volleyball tournament:

Find the volleyball fields with the lowest rental prices. Compare the different options and choose the cheapest.

Recruit volunteers to save money. To organize a volleyball tournament you will need field managers, referees, logistics managers, physiotherapists, etc. Try searching among parents of participating players, college students, and organizations that specialize in community service. They will perform a function very similar to the salaried workers but they will only cost you a sandwich and the occasional soft drink.

Before buying supplies such as trophies, food, posters, check-in materials,

 Team kits and t-shirts for the organization, you must be clear about the number of participating teams. Otherwise you will generate a lot of surplus and they will surely mean irrecoverable losses.

Set the deadlines for registrations, since some supplies must be ordered in advance. Before organizing a volleyball tournament, contact your suppliers to find out the delivery times of the materials and thus avoid setbacks on the day of your tournament.

Getting sponsors is an essential point to be able to finance your tournament. But, how do you get sponsors if you are just starting out? In point number 3 we detail step by step how to attract the attention of sponsors.